R&B Housing Ltd is a company that controls residential properties and a large part of that property portfolio is rented to vulnerable and previously homeless people.
They therefore have a good understanding of supported housing provision needs and the sensitivities of dealing with people in this sector. This gives R&B Housing Ltd more flexibility in the provision of accommodation solutions than is available to most other semi-independent living service providers, both whilst service users are in our semi-independent accommodation and when it is time for them to ‘move on’ into fully independent accommodation.
R&B Housing Ltd is managed by a senior management team who between them have extensive experience in general management, providing good quality accommodation and most importantly, in supporting young people.
The name R&B Housing Ltd was chosen by the business founders as it’s an abbreviation of their Forename Rowland and Bobby and their ethos and background reflects how an organisation should be when it is supporting young people to develop independant lives.
Our aim is to provide all of our young people with good quality accommodation and an excellent support service as they move towards full independance.